Adnan Alham Construction Company (AACC) is a general contractor with a core staff, which is highly educated and experienced in design, engineering, construction, management, and finance. Besides the Highly Educated Management team, Adnan Alham Construction Company (AACC) has its own construction equipment, which straightens its capacity for project implementation and project completion in accordance with the performance period.
Financial Capabilty
Adnan Alham Construction Company (AACC) for the time being implemented +50,000, 000.USD Constructions and reconstruction projects, and +7,000,000. USD Ongoing Projects from Afghan Government from different regions of Afghanistan. Having been in business for many years, International Donors, and Afghan Government, and prime contractors, AACC has demonstrated financial responsibility, paid subcontractors promptly, and has been fair and reasonable when contract modification ware necessary.