Objectives & Policies

Slide1 Building is about getting around the obstacles that are presented to you. Jeremy Renner Slide2 We shape our buildings; and find the best solutions. Winston Churchill

Objectives of AACC

AACC is generated to meet the following objectives:

  1. To identify relief, construction and rehabilitation need in Afghanistan.
  2. To seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.
  3. To convoy donor’s assistants to Afghan entitled through implementation any rehabilitation projects inside Afghanistan.
  4. To directly implement relief programs and rehabilitate the economic and social infrastructure in war-torn Afghanistan.
  5. To work out plans for rural development in order to improve the leaving standard on a community level in the country.
  6. To improve the accelerate the relief assistant to Afghan needy through implementing useful projects, by which such needy population can contribute to the rehabilitation efforts.

Policy and Legal Position

As a Construction Company AACC staff shall be available to all donor agencies, governmental and non-governmental. All activities, efforts, and any required action including operational, financial, and management of AACC are non-governmental.

AACC has the right to work anywhere inside Afghanistan without restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

The organization is entitled to receive and accept gifts, grants, aids, and donations from any UN and international agency.

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